Tuesday, July 1, 2008

NSE Philippines... Most Hated Members in the MLM Industry


I did a search in Google and Yahoo on other legit MLM and Direct Selling companies in the Philippines like Amway, FLP, Avon, etc and I have learned that NuSkin or NSE Philippines got the most rants!

No it is not the products, in fact, NuSkin got potentially good products...

It is the members and way of recruiting many people are angry at!

In sales, we are taught never to misrepresent and to be transparent with what are offer is. So I do not understand why these cult members of NuSkinism have to misrepresent and deceive people when being asked! Maybe they think that bringing these innocent victims into their "church" is proving effective.

It absolutely is not! They use names of Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump saying that MLM is a good business, so why oh why can't they say right away on first call that their offer is MLM!? They have to waste their victims money!

Robert Kiyosaki has always stressed out that if you want to be a good entrepreneur, get into sales, and MLM or network marketing companies give the best training. That is true. But NuSkin??? Teaching you to misrepresent and deceive? Well they are absolutely teaching you how to sell yourself to the police towards jail!

I will be posting more and more entries here, everyday! I think NSE has went overboard in duping people, the biggest story was that of my friend who flew all the way from Davao and left her sick mom just to learn she was scammed by these NuSkin people!