Friday, July 4, 2008

Another Modus Operandi of NuSkin Members

You readers gotta take note of this...

They are now using names of great seminars like T. Harv Eker or Robert Kiyosaki seminars.

It is simply like this...

Someone will call you saying that they are inviting you to be part of a FREE MILLIONAIRE MIND INTENSIVE SEMINAR in Manila and after that, you will be part of an elite team. The Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar is usually held at Singapore with T. Harv Eker as the speaker, therefore, this NuSkin group is using the name of the seminar in order to recruit people.

Once you show interest, they will tell you to meet them in a coffee shop, usually Starbucks, and ask you to list down your net worth.

Now you become curious and ask what this is all about, and here is where you start becoming fishy.

They tell you that they will explain the team and Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar when you meet because it is too complicated. Then you may decide to ask if this is an invite to an MLM company or networking...

Their answer? NO it is not! If you ask "are you sure this is not", then they even get mad at you!

Now you meet in Starbucks, you buy food, you pay for gas or public transpo and when you get there, they explain about the FREE Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar and what you will learn.

But is it really free?

NO IT IS NOT! If you want to be part of the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar, then you have to be part of their NuSkin group! You have just been kidnapped and duped again!

Now if you still want to take the seminar but not be a part of their NuSkin group, you will have to pay daw consultation fee which is about 10k per hour!

How bullshit is that!

Success Resources has to learn about this!

These people are using the name of Harv Eker and Millionaire Mind Intensive to recruit! They are using the name of Eker to deceive!

So better be careful and be alert!

FYI: There is no Millionaire Mind Intensive in Manila, only in Singapore! Here is the website:

Do not believe them about an offer in Manila, that would be unauthorized unless they show proof!

Also, I read that they are using again a new name, it is SYNERGY INTERNATIONAL so please do take note of that, dear readers!

These NuSkin cult members will not stop! They will find ways and ways to deceive and bullshit you! They can't accept ethical norms. They feel doing business the proper way is a mortal sin!

They feel that recruitment using forms of deceit and misrepresenting are professional!

If you really want to be part of an MLM, please consider others who will give you PROPER TRAINING! Consider those that trains you to do things the right way!